Ask Us Anything: Key Pillars to Harnessing the Power of Enterprise AI

Date: Tuesday, June 25th at 11am PT / 2pm ET

Tune into this interactive session as our industry experts cover the elements of a successful platform for Enterprise AI. What are the key pillars of an AI platform that set you up for the greatest outcomes, and how can you adapt as AI evolves to control cost? Then take the final step and deploy your AI apps in a cloud-native format that will help you in AI as well as your larger app landscape.

In this chat attendees will walk away with

  • A greater understanding of how to use AI in their enterprise environment.
  • How to best deploy AI apps for speed and agility.
  • How to strengthen the security of their private data in an AI world.

Register now!

About the presenter:
Greg Schulz, Founder and IT Analyst, Server StorageIO

Greg has worked as the customer in various IT organizations in different roles, as well as a vendor, consulting analyst and author of several books including “Software-Defined Data Infrastructure Essentials” (CRC Press). Greg brings a diverse background with real world perspective across applications, data infrastructures, hardware, software, and clouds. Greg is a Microsoft MVP Cloud Data Center Management and previous ten-time VMware vExpert

About the presenters:

Mike Barmonde, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Nutanix

A former IT Ops engineer and sales architect, Mike loves to sit on the customer’s side of the table to solve real problems. Based in Seattle, WA, Mike lives on a rural island community and spends his free time as a Dad, gardening and tinkering.

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