Expert Guide to Loss-Proof Microsoft 365 Data

Date: June 12th at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET

While Microsoft 365 removes the burden from managing services like Exchange and SharePoint, organizations must protect their data. Whether it’s protection from threat actors, both internal and external, or protect critical business data from accidental deletion, protecting your data is the administrator’s responsibility and requires careful configuration. In this exciting webinar, you will have the opportunity to learn about tools and techniques to preserve your M365 environment and best practices for configuration and security, enhancing your skills and knowledge in data protection.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET
Top Microsoft 365 Features to Start Using Now to Safeguard Your Data

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
Expert Guide to Loss-Proof Microsoft 365 Data

11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET
8 Benefits of a Backup Service for Microsoft 365

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About the presenter:

Joey D'Antoni, Principal Consultant, Denny Cherry and Associates Consulting

Joey D'Antoni is Principal Consultant at Denny Cherry and Associates. With more than two decades of experience at Fortune 500 companies, Joey has become a well-known thought leader in cross-platform IT. He's both a VMWare V-Expert and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. He has worked extensively on database platforms and cloud technologies, and he has a high-level of expertise in performance tuning, infrastructure, and disaster recovery.

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