Top Threats to Your Cloud Data Landscape in 2022

Date: Tuesday, November 2nd at 9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT

In two months the inevitable march of time will turn the clock to 2022. So, I've been asked to cast an eye to the cloudy future and outline the top threats to SaaS and hosting services. With ominous predictions of climate change and the wake of a pandemic security free-for-all we find ourselves confronted by an unknown but vulnerable future. Many organizations accelerated digital transformation projects or took an "at any cost" approach to keep functioning by moving business systems rapidly into the cloud. This caused a massive shift in expectations, capabilities and the security landscape of many organizations – to the point where IT and security teams were somewhat bewildered, under resourced and without adequate tools.

Join Ian Thornton-Trump CD, CISO for Cyjax Ltd as he outlines how we arrived into a post-pandemic digitally transformed landscape.

  • Will 2022 be the year we try to address the security challenges brought on rapid planned or unplanned digital transformation?
  • Is there institutional will to even consider security projects addressing the security sins brought on by the pandemic cloud migration?
  • What will be the response from security vendors and malicious actors as we move forward into 2022?

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT
Top Threats to Your Cloud Data Landscape in 2022

10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT
Modern Cloud Data Protection Best Practices

11 a.m. PDT / 2 p.m. EDT
Hottest Third-Party Products

Register now!

About the presenter:

Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO, Cyjax

Ian Thornton-Trump CD is an ITIL certified IT professional with 25 years of experience in IT security and information technology. From 1989 to 1992, Ian served with the Canadian Forces (CF), Military Intelligence Branch; in 2002, he joined the CF Military Police Reserves and retired as a Public Affairs Officer in 2013. After a year with the RCMP as a Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Ian worked as a cyber security analyst/consultant for multi-national insurance, banking and regional health care.

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