Beyond the Perimeter: Continuous Monitoring With NIST's Zero Trust Security Model

Date: Monday, November 30th at 11am PST / 2pm EST

With the massive shift to remote working also comes a rise in cyberattacks and insider threats. Along with this, as bring your own device (BYOD) policies, cloud-based applications, and edge computing become more common, CIOs and CISOs will encounter numerous challenges if they continue to use a perimeter-based security model. Organizations must monitor everything and everyone connecting to the network, and deliver real-time access insights. With the Zero Trust model, all networks and devices are treated as mistrusted until proven otherwise.

Join this webinar as our cybersecurity expert explains why organizations are rapidly adopting the Zero Trust security model, and how it can change the way you manage your network.

This data-driven webinar focuses on:

  • How to overcome the challenges of a perimeter-based security model with Zero Trust
  • Orchestrating a Zero Trust security framework established on access-based user provisioning, visibility, and governance
  • The role of security analytics in monitoring a Zero Trust environment
  • How Zero Trust supports Gartner's Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment (CARTA) by continuously evaluating users and devices based on contextual access policies
  • How you can incorporate this approach into your existing security framework

About the presenter:

Jay Reddy, IAM & IT Security Expert, ManageEngine

Jay Reddy has been associated with ManageEngine for over 5 years. As a technical evangelist, he helps IT leaders and global enterprises to outmaneuver complex cybersecurity challenges. He is a sought after speaker on the latest IT trends in international conferences and seminars. He has authored numerous e-books and conducted research studies that help business leaders with insight and advice on leveraging the latest technology for better IAM and cybersecurity.

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