Pharma and Healthcare Needs Increased Active Directory Security

Date: Thursday, December 17th at 11am PDT / 2pm EDT

Pharma and Healthcare have seen the most uptick in cyber attacks than any other vertical in 2020. Disruption of services, research, supply chain, etc. is the goal for the attacker. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry has not been able to keep up with the Covid requirements, nor the security for the infrastructure.

In this webinar, 16-time Microsoft MVP, Derek Melber, will guide you through the current situation and give you actionable tasks to help increase your network security.

During this webinar you will learn:

  • Why healthcare is being targeted
  • The makeup of ransomware and how that impacts healthcare
  • Why mergers and acquisitions can cause insecure networks
  • What specifics related to healthcare need security attention
  • How simple configurations can help reduce the effectiveness of attack

About the presenter:

Derek Melber, Technical Director – North America, Alsid

Derek is a 16 time MVP, in both Active Directory and Group Policy. As a prolific speaker and educator, Derek goes to over 20 countries every year, helping organizations and administrators better understand Active Directory, Group Policy, security, and their overall network infrastructure.

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