Best Practices for Maximizing Your Hyperconvergence Implementation

Date: Wednesday, June 3rd at 11:00am PDT / 2:00pm EDT

There’s always best practices for every technology, and hyperconverged infrastructure is no exception.

This session is packed with expert advice on do’s, don’ts and gotcha’s from those who have gone before, and they’ll share it all with you.

You’ll leave with a solid understanding of the top things to do (and not to do) when implementing HCI. 

This session is Part Three of our free half-day Inside Hyperconvergence: Maximizing Your Enterprise! Sign up for this session and you are welcome to attend all three sessions! Other sessions include:

9am PDT: Going All-In with Hyperconvergence: Why You Don't Want To Do HCI "Lite"

10am PDT: Top 7 Benefits of Hyperconvergence

Register now!

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