
  • News

    Microsoft Unveils Post-RC3 W2K Build

    Microsoft unveiled a post-Release Candidate (RC) 3 release -- build 2194 -- of Windows 2000 on its NT Beta site. RC3 shipped as build 2183. 12/08/1999

  • News

    Inrange Develops 64-Port Fibre Channel Switch

  • News

    Network Instruments Introduces Network Mapping Tool

  • News

    NetScreen Offers Secure Remote Access Solution

  • News

    J2EE Standard Making Strides

    Two new application servers have been released this week based on the recently announced Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) standard finalized by Sun Microsystems. Both Sybase and the Sun-Netscape Alliance have announced the release of server software that runs on the J2EE standard. 12/07/1999

  • News

    IBM to Reduce Performance Gap Between I/O and Processors

    KIRKLAND, WASH. – IBM Corp. is working to reduce the performance gap between industry standard PCI system buses and Intel Corp.’s microprocessors, the company said here Monday at the IBM Center for Microsoft Technology. 12/07/1999

  • News

    IDC Helps IT Organizations Build E-Knowledge Centers

    A recent guide published by International Data Corp. (IDC) helps IT organizations develop e-knowledge centers, examine its need for shared knowledge throughout the company, and determine the role IT will play in fulfilling this need. 12/07/1999

  • News

    Percussion Software Introduces XML Converter

    December 7, 1999 12/07/1999

  • News

    IBM's DB2 Gains Ground in SAP Environments

    SAP and IBM today announced an agreement to expand their global sales, marketing, and development relationship. As part of the agreement, the two companies will work together to provide expanded choices for customers that wish to implement Internet business solutions and IBM's DB2 Universal Database on a variety of hardware platforms, including Windows 2000. 12/07/1999

  • News

    BEA Realigns to Focus on E-Commerce Transactions

    BEA Systems Inc. announced today it would realign to focus on what it calls the four key elements of e-commerce transactions: servers, integration, applications and services. 12/06/1999

  • News

    Informatica Broadens Data Integration Platform

    Data warehousing vendor Informatica Corp. extended its PowerCenter data-integration software to draw information from Web logs and a company's business partners. 12/06/1999

  • News

    Zona Study: Java Here to Stay

    After several years of use, Java is firmly entrenched in the mainstream of business Web technology, according to the latest quarterly Zona Research Enterprise Usage Study. 12/03/1999

  • News

    Microsoft Announces Realignment, Promotions

    Microsoft has announced a round of promotions involving the Platforms Group and the Business Productivity Group, while renaming and realigning other groups within the company. 12/03/1999

  • News

    The Imaging Source Releases New Development Tool

    December 3, 1999 12/03/1999

  • News

    Microsoft Plays SP6 Hot Potato

    Less than a week after the surprising release of Service Pack (SP) 6a for Windows NT, Microsoft created additional confusion when it confirmed that the service pack file originally identified as SP6a on its download site was actually the original SP6 release. 12/02/1999

  • News

    Sales Force Automation Software Market Boom Imminent, Predicts IDC

    Sales force automation (SFA) software revenues are expected to make a quantum leap in the new millenium, according to a new report released by International Data Corp. (IDC). 12/02/1999

  • News

    Bristol Submits: Brings Windows Apps to Linux

    After winning a meaningless decision against Microsoft Corp. over restrictions on access to Windows source code, Bristol has signed the refuted contract and has now released an updated Wind/U product that ports Windows applications to the Linux platform. 12/02/1999

  • News

    Microsoft Fixes IE 5 Bug

    Microsoft has released a version upgrade that eliminates a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 5. Under certain conditions, the vulnerability could allow a malicious user to porvide proxy settings to Web clients in another network. 12/02/1999

  • News

    SQL Data Warehouses Exam Now Available

    The Designing and Implementing Data Warehouses with SQL Server 7.0 exam, 70-019, is now available at select testing centers. 12/02/1999

  • Worried about potential security gaps? Follow these seven steps to make sure your installation won’t melt under fire.

    Set Up a Flame-Proof Firewall

    Worried about potential security gaps? Follow these seven steps to make sure your installation won’t melt under fire. 12/01/1999

  • In-Depth

    Amazing Feast! Windows 2000 on the Table

    Seems like you’ve waited years for your reservation to be called, but Windows 2000 Server is almost ready for your dining pleasure. Here’s a sampling of its delights. 12/01/1999

  • Is online shopping the best way to get your certification books?

    One for the Books

    Is online shopping the best way to get your certification books? 12/01/1999

  • In-Depth

    Systems Engineering: Make the Internet Virtually Private

    By implementing a VPN, you can use the world’s largest public network as a WAN that securely connects your remote users and branch offices. 12/01/1999

  • News

    SMC Launches New Suite of Network Products

  • Total Teamwork

    Proving you know how to create collaborative solutions with Outlook 2000 and Exchange Server 5.5 means understanding VB, ASP, COM, and CDO, among other technologies. 12/01/1999

  • News

    New Strain of Virus Detected

    A new variant of the Trojan ExploreZip virus was discovered today. The variant, known as TROJ_EXPZIPWMPAK, is identical to the original ExploreZip worm in that it is auto-spamming malicious code that destroys data on the infected system. 12/01/1999

  • In-Depth

    Take Back Your Time

    Three new Resource Kit tools can reduce repetitive typing and perform scheduled file copying for you at night. 12/01/1999

  • Prepare for Windows 2000 with free, self-paced training courses from Microsoft. Also, find out what online training companies are ahead of the game with Microsoft Official Curriculum for Win2K.

    Microsoft Official Online Curriculum

    Prepare for Windows 2000 with free, self-paced training courses from Microsoft. Also, find out what online training companies are ahead of the game with Microsoft Official Curriculum for Win2K. 12/01/1999

  • The MCP benefits package is changing. Microsoft says the changes offer further proof that the company is listening to you and shaping the MCP program to better meet your needs.

    The New MCP Benefits

    The MCP benefits package is changing. Microsoft says the changes offer further proof that the company is listening to you and shaping the MCP program to better meet your needs. 12/01/1999

  • One perk of your Microsoft certification is that it can open new doors along your career path. With so many options, you can choose to reinvent yourself—as Harry is doing.

    Reinvent Yourself

    One perk of your Microsoft certification is that it can open new doors along your career path. With so many options, you can choose to reinvent yourself—as Harry is doing. 12/01/1999

  • News Announces Documentor Solution for MS Exchange

  • News

    Hyperion, Partners Beta-Test OLAP Server

    December 1, 1999 12/01/1999

  • News

    Read the Win2K-MCSE Chat Transcript Online

    The transcript fo the chat with Microsoft's Certification and Skills Assessment Group has been posted online. Plus, online seminar on the Win2K-MCSE track, direct from Microsoft. 12/01/1999

  • About that new MCSE track...

    Your Credentials, Please...

    About that new MCSE track... 12/01/1999

  • News

    Informix Buys Ardent

    Informix Corp. today announced an agreement to purchase Ardent Software for about $880 million in stock. 12/01/1999

  • There’s no escaping migration to Windows 2000, and it’s going to be painful. Accept the pain and take the time to design an elegant directory now.

    Flatten Those Domains!

    There’s no escaping migration to Windows 2000, and it’s going to be painful. Accept the pain and take the time to design an elegant directory now. 12/01/1999

  • MCSE track changes are getting tougher. But are the changes happening too quickly?

    You Said It

    MCSE track changes are getting tougher. But are the changes happening too quickly? 12/01/1999

  • As you prepare for the next wave in networking, make sure you’re doing it right with Microsoft Official Curriculum.

    Master Windows 2000 with MOC

    As you prepare for the next wave in networking, make sure you’re doing it right with Microsoft Official Curriculum. 12/01/1999

  • In-Depth

    From the Trenches: Decentralizing Network Admin

    With 50 remote administrators relying on headquarters for planning and support, Cox Communications needed to set its administrators free—without giving away the keys to the farm. 12/01/1999

  • News

    Data Return Launches Messaging Solution

  • News

    Mission Critical Announces Systems Management Solution for Vignette StoryServer

    November 30, 1999 11/30/1999

  • News

    Secure E-Commerce Not Necessarily So, Says IDC

    A new study released by International Data Corp. (IDC) today reveals that one in five large companies and one in three small companies is not likely to have a secure transaction option available in their e-commerce solution. 11/30/1999

  • News

    Esker Releases New Fax Client

  • News

    Unisys 8-Way NT-Based Server Achieves Exchange Server Record Performance

    Unisys Corp. today announced that the Unisys e-@ction Enterprise Server ES5085R supported the highest amount of Microsoft Exchange e-mail traffic ever measured on any server. The Unisys ES5085R server achieved an Exchange MAPI Messaging Benchmark (MMB) of 32,700, surpassing the previous MMB record of 32,500. 11/30/1999

  • News

    TONIGHT! Windows 2000 Chat with Harry Brelsford

    Tonight, at 4 pm Pacific time, tune into the #Public1 chat room, where MCP Magazine contributing editor Harry Brelsford will offer his tips on preparing for a successful test and rollout of Win 11/30/1999

  • News

    Microsoft Announces New Datawarehousing Alliance Members

    Microsoft Corp. today announced that a slew of new members have joined its Data Warehousing Alliance 2000. 11/30/1999

  • News

    Microsoft Releases Patches for IE, Windows

    Microsoft has released two fixes for security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer and Windows 95 and 98. 11/30/1999

  • News

    Heroix Delivers Reporting and Graphing Solution for E-Business

  • News

    ASG Introduces Decision-Making Emulator

    November 29, 1999 11/29/1999

  • News

    NovaStor Releases Online Backup Software


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