
IDC Helps IT Organizations Build E-Knowledge Centers

A recent guide published by International Data Corp. (IDC, helps IT organizations develop e-knowledge centers, examine its need for shared knowledge throughout the company, and determine the role IT will play in fulfilling this need. The bulletin, Developing the e-Knowledge Center, recommends the steps companies need to take to fully develop e-knowledge centers and knowledge management programs.

According to IDC, the first stage in developing successful knowledge-based initiatives should be to form a team consisting of members from throughout the organization who have a stake in corporate knowledge. Next, companies need to identify the areas of knowledge that are critical to their organizations and the specific value that each knowledge area has in achieving the business goals of the company.

"Companies of all sizes are becoming increasingly interested in leveraging the knowledge of their employees, partners, and customers in ways that improve their business results," says Tom Murphy, research manager for IDC's IT Advisor program.

Other stages involved in the process include eliminating obstacles and creating standards, launching a pilot program, and developing an enterprise knowledge strategy. IDC believes the most effective knowledge initiatives will include vertical industry partners, suppliers and experts. Additionally, an electronic knowledge network will be required.

"Organizing around knowledge needs requires a highly evolved electronic network that links functions together fluidly for the transfer and management of knowledge," Murphy says. -- Isaac Slepner

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.


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