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Symantec Boosts Cloud Offering with FileStore

Symantec's got a bit of that mix-and-match thing going in the cloud. The security giant has pure-play cloud storage offerings and has for a while, but now the company is giving customers the option of going full cloud, in-house "cloud" or both.

The longtime Microsoft partner and security market leader this week released FileStore, a platform that, very simply put, allows companies to build private, in-house storage clouds.

"We want to give enterprise customers the ability to act like a Web company," Sean Derrington, director of storage management and high availability at Symantec, told RCPU last week. "Some customers want a little bit of both -- some aspects of application services they want to serve via the public cloud, and [other] things they want to deliver through their own architecture."

FileStore is about more than storage, though. There are significant management components, and it has the flexibility to connect "any storage environment to any other storage environment," Derrington said. He added that FileStore is aimed at letting businesses start small and grow with in-house cloud storage.

Posted by Lee Pender on 10/06/2009 at 1:22 PM


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