Pender's Blog

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Google GDrive Drives Hype

If you've taken a spin around the blogs this week, you've probably read that Google's rumored GDrive, which supposedly will give users access to all of the files on the computer via the Internet, is going to KILL THE PC AS WE KNOW IT RUN FOR YOUR LIVES AAAAHHHH!!!!

Or maybe not. Hey, we're big believers in cloud computing, but Google's cloud efforts are going to raise the same security and privacy questions that everybody else's cloud plans have raised so far. And while Windows and the PC will need to get slimmer and cheaper to compete with netbooks (a good thing as we see it), we're not sure that consumers or companies will be ready to go all-cloud, all the time any time soon. Besides, it's not as if stuff like the GDrive doesn't exist already. And with the reviews coming in for Windows 7, Microsoft might just be poised for a huge post-Vista revival.

Posted by Lee Pender on 01/29/2009 at 1:22 PM


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