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Microsoft Shifts Another Gear in Standards

Oh, how the proprietary have fallen. Well, not fallen really, but certainly changed. Microsoft is making noises about openness and collaboration again, this time with a couple of standards-oriented initiatives.

Redmond said this week that it'll work on a Web services interface with IBM and EMC, and it's also joining a standards group called the Object Management Group. (OK, so we didn't know what that was, either -- but this story told us).

Of course, there will always be healthy and probably justified skepticism about just how open Microsoft wants to be and what its true motives are for joining these efforts (as in, to take them over completely). But we can't fault Redmond for at least showing signs of coming out of its proprietary shell. And if this new spirit of glasnost actually leads to technological advancements of some sort -- hey, all the better!

Posted by Lee Pender on 09/11/2008 at 1:22 PM


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