Pender's Blog

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Vista Picking Up Steam?

So, Forrester Research is out there now saying that Vista might just conquer the enterprise after all, and maybe fairly soon.

Well, maybe so. But we've heard this sort of thing before, haven't we? Vista's always just around the corner from breaking out and becoming the next XP (just as XP eventually became the next Windows 2000). If it's true that one-third of Vista licenses end up being downgraded to XP, we won't hold our breath on Vista taking over the world.

Really, though, we're just using this entry to tell you that tomorrow we'll be running positive -- yes, positive -- comments about Vista. (Hey, we told you we'd run them if we got them.) So, send your thoughts to [email protected].

Oh, and also tomorrow -- in what should be an electrifying Reader Feedback issue of RCPU (you just have to love late August) -- we'll be running your suggestions on which celebrity would make the ideal Microsoft spokesperson. So shoot those our way, too, at [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 08/27/2008 at 1:22 PM


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