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Vista: Not Even the Service Pack Works

Yes! Service Pack 1 has given us here at RCPU an opportunity to revive one of our favorite activities: bashing Vista! Microsoft's ne'er-do-well operating system finally got the update that Redmond hoped would push it into the enterprise, and guess what? SP1 is deeply flawed -- so much so that Microsoft is offering free support to all Vista users, no matter how they ended up with the OS.

Or, at least, that's what the trade press has been saying. And maybe it's true. Or -- and to be fair, the InformationWeek story linked in this entry mentions this -- maybe service packs are always a bit of a bear to roll out, and maybe they've caused problems in the past, too. Actually, there shouldn't be a "maybe" on either of those last two statements, as they're just true. All kinds of service packs have caused problems before; this is, after all, complicated stuff to manage.

And, if you go back and take a look at the comments in the InformationWeek story, you'll find at least a few users who had no trouble running the first Vista service pack -- and even a few who seem to actually like Vista.

Yeah, Vista's still a dog for the most part, and it still hasn't really cracked the enterprise in a serious way (although we still maintain that it will...eventually). But, in RCPU's view, most of the dire SP1 news has had more to do with a slow-ish news time surrounding a holiday weekend than with the demise of Vista and/or Microsoft.

Still, it's kind of fun to be Vista-bashing again, even if we aren't quite so serious this time.

Have you had a traumatic experience with Vista SP1? Or a good one? Or none at all because you wouldn't install Vista even if your life depended on it? Open up at [email protected].

Posted by Lee Pender on 03/25/2008 at 1:21 PM


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