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Dynamics CRM Not Dead But Not 'Live' Either

We've heard so much from Microsoft in the last year or so about its hosted customer relationship management offering that it's hard to say why the news of a name change for the product didn't arrive until late last week.

Dynamics CRM Live isn't anymore -- well, it isn't "Live," anyway. The hosted application suite lives, but it's now Dynamics CRM Online, an altogether better name that helps alleviate some confusion in Microsoft's branding. Until now, it seemed as though everything Microsoft did that had even the most remote connection to the Internet was branded as "Live." Online might not be groundbreaking, but it's simple and descriptive.

Of course, once again, as with Longhorn server, we would have preferred CRM Online's codename, Titan, to the name it ended up with. But, hey, nobody's paying us to be branding experts. Still, Titan -- it just sounds powerful and sort of menacing, not unlike Microsoft itself.

While we're on board with the new name, we do find the timing of it odd: Why not bust it out at Convergence, which just took place in Orlando a couple of weeks ago? Oh, well, no matter. Dynamics CRM Online it is. Finally.

Posted by Lee Pender on 03/31/2008 at 1:21 PM


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