Pender's Blog

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Ten Years Later, Steve Has Some Loot, Too

It's been way too long since we've made a Pirates of Silicon Valley reference here at RCPU. So, with this week marking the 10th anniversary of Microsoft's big investment in Apple (which happens at the end of the movie -- not to give it away or anything), we couldn't resist typing once again fictional Bill Gates' famous words to fictional (but not Fake -- that's Dan Lyons) Steve Jobs in the film: "I got the loot, Steve!"

A decade later, though, as one good-if-not-groundbreaking article points out, Steve's got some loot of his own. It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since Wired ran one of the great covers of all time. And it's hard to believe how things have changed since then. But we at RCPU sure do love our iPods...well, except for one nameless editor (not the one writing this), who actually bought a Zune.

Posted by Lee Pender on 08/08/2007 at 1:21 PM


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