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CHKDSK Fans Rejoice

CHKDSK, short for Check Disk, has been around since MS-DOS (I'm not sure if it actually came from California Software's Q-DOS). If you were worried that in losing things like the Start Menu you'd lose other important vestiges of the PC past, rest assured -- CHKDSK is safe and sound in Windows 8.

That is good news for old fuddy duddies and those that like tight control. You can still get at the utility from your handy command line.

For those that want things to just work, the good news is while CHKDSK is still there, you probably won't ever see it. And if you need it but aren't the command line type, the new version can be found in the new action center.

Whether you use commands or the action center, CHKDSK works precisely the same in Win 8 and Windows Server 2012.

In terms of seeing it, CHKDSK is apparently worlds faster --  so you don't see it at boot up. And disk fixes are more or less invisible, occurring in the background while the machine in online, and not during boot.

On the server side, IT decides when repairs are made.

Posted by Doug Barney on 05/14/2012 at 1:19 PM


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