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Office 365 Now Office 292?

Microsoft last week announced a 20 percent cut in the price of Office 365, which, if my high school math is correct, makes it Office 292. That just doesn't have the same ring.

Microsoft argues that increased volumes and better data center efficiency has cut its costs, which it is more than happy to pass along to the customer.

That is likely true. At the same time, Microsoft is in a war with Google Apps for Business, and a price cut should equal a market share boost.

Its price now ranges from $8 per user to a high of $22.

Earlier this month I published an article about Office 365 vs. Google Apps based entirely on the real-world experiences of you, the Redmond Report reader. Microsoft got the edge for more features, better manageability and less training, but Google won on price and was a better fit for smaller organizations. Here is the complete skinny.

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/19/2012 at 1:19 PM


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