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Mobile Data Pickpockets

Some companies, such as Google, admit to at least some of the data they steal. It's right there in their anti-privacy policies. Not all these thefts are reported. It seems a slew of mobile app vendors have been on a crime spree, and are selling your personal information to the highest bidder.

The list is a who's who of companies already faulted for poor privacy policies, though we didn't know it was quite this bad.

Here are some of the culprits: Apple, Facebook, Twitter and Yelp. Here's what they took: birthday dates, e-mail accounts, phone numbers and contacts.

Now a class action lawsuit is trying to put an end to this piracy and collect damages.

Let's hope the plaintiffs win this one!

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/19/2012 at 1:19 PM


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