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Hard Core with Server Core

Windows Server 2008 has an option called Server Core, which is nothing more than a version of the software with the GIU cut out.

Don Jones, a seasoned Redmond columnist, loves Server Core. And so does Microsoft. It is going to convince as many customers as possible to go with the Core with Windows Server 8.

Jones, who does a lot of teaching, recently worked with a university that made a massive move to Server Core. It achieved the results Jones has been promoting for as long as I can remember (now that I'm older I estimate that's about two years).

First, they are using fewer resources. When running dedicated servers, the GUI overhead isn't such a big deal. But this school is virtualized, so slimming down the software really counts.

And smaller means faster -- the school's experience is evidence of this.

There is one more advantage: Because things are command- and script-driven, the IT had to polish these skills, making them, well, more skilled.

Do you pine for the old command days of MS-DOS and NetWare? Or have all these menus and dialog boxes made you happily spoiled? You tell me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 01/06/2012 at 1:19 PM


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