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Exchange 2010 SP2 Arrives

Exchange 2010 customers go an early Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanza present in the form of a second service pack. As with many SP2s, this one rolls up past updates, so it should be more secure and free of known glitches.

In a major shift in emphasis, the on-premise version of Exchange actually gains fixes and features already added to the online rev.

There are also a few new items such as Address Book Policies. Here IT can segment groups of users, so if you are a CEO who doesn't want the peons (or your at-work mistress) to see your address, you can be walled off. More critically, e-mail interaction with partners or customers can be kept entirely separate from insider discussions, but still give outsiders access to a range of appropriate employees. Another cool item is the Outlook Web App Mini. This Internet-based client is text-oriented, and keeps messages lean for low-bandwidth situations.

SP2 also allows IT to manage Exchange both internally and in the cloud.

Is Exchange the bee's knees or is there a better messaging answer? Share your thoughts at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 12/07/2011 at 1:18 PM


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