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Can Developers Rescue Windows Phone?

Windows phones may have less than 2 percent market share, but this research from Gartner doesn't account for the fact that Nokia is really, really committed to Windows phones. It should be. Microsoft is sliding the Finnish company a billion dollars over the next five years!

The combo of Nokia and Microsoft has developers interested. Too bad that in no way matches the consumer interest we talked about in the last item.

Here's where developers stand: Apple's iOS is tops with more than 90 percent of code monkeys expressing interest. 83 percent of software jocks care about Android and 66 percent like what they see in HTML 5 Mobile Web.

Windows Phone 7 edges out BlackBerry with Microsoft getting 38 percent interest versus RIM's 21 percent -- half of what it had the year before.

Reading these numbers, it is clear developers write for multiple platforms.

What phone do you use today, but more importantly, what will your next one be? Share your plans at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 11/18/2011 at 1:18 PM


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