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Google Arms for Patent War

I know that those that invent things, or at least the companies they work for, deserve the fruits of these labors. That's where patents and copyrights come in.

But computer vendors often abuse the patent system by buying patents for things they had nothing to do with and then suing the pants off their biggest rivals. Some companies are even founded just to buy patents and force for settlements. And quite often it works.

When I heard Google bought 1,000 patents from IBM, I didn't know what to think. On the Web, Google doesn't create intellectual property -- it hijacks it.

Is Google looking to sue those who violate these former IBM patents? I wouldn't put it past them. But one patent guru thinks this is more of a defense mechanism, meant to protect Android and other technologies from suits waged by companies that have far more patents than Google.

What is your take? Are patents a necessary evil or just evil? Share your opinions at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/03/2011 at 1:18 PM


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