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Doug's Mailbag: In Memory of XP

Readers share their thoughts on the news of the impeding death of Windows XP:

Wow, are all the computers running XP just going to die on that day? In less than 1000 days MS will stop supporting XP. That doesn't mean it's dead. It just means we won't be getting the updates every Tuesday. We probably won't need them because the hackers will be concentrating on Win 7 or Win 8 (or whatever the current over bloated MS OS is at the time). My theory has always been that if it works for you there's no reason to change. I know a few people that are still using Win 98! It still works and you don't need 8 MB of RAM to support it.

No more XP? Apparently the Mayans were off by 16 months. The end is not until April 2014.

For our purposes, XP is the most reliable and functional OS that Microsoft ever developed. We've had nothing but problems with Win 7 on new machines. We've kept XP on 'old machines' and on laptops and netbooks with 'no problems.'

As you mentioned, laptops and netbooks won't handle Win 7. I very much doubt that they will be able to handle Win 8 either. Microsoft seems to think only of Microsoft, with little attention to OEMs, app developers or end users.

If it ain't broke why fix it? That's what I always say. I haven't seen anything in Win7 that jumps out to make me want to replace all the XP OS systems in my company (over 100). The few new computers we bought last year from Dell came with XP Pro with the option to upgrade to Win7 when the company was ready. That option for XP preinstalled is no longer available now. You are now forced to use Win 7 from Dell.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 07/29/2011 at 1:18 PM


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