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Dumb Drivers

I've been covering IT since June 4, 1984. Using computers back then wasn't so easy. CP/M was a command prompt nightmare and MS-DOS forced you to memorize commands so much that when you came back from vacation you had to relearn half of what you knew.

Twenty-seven years later, things are far better...unless you want to install HP printer drivers before you actually connect the hardware. I downloaded a LaserJet 1012 driver, but was told I needed WinZip. Weird, but OK. Unzipped 40 files with no indication as to which is the install file. None seemed to fit the bill.

I went to Add Printers seeking a shortcut but there is no option for the 1012.

Clicked on "run," nothing runs. Is this XP or HP? Who knows.

At first I felt stupid, like there was something wrong with me. Then I thought back to the dozens upon dozens of printers I've installed rather easily over the last few decades. So who's the dummy? You tell me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 07/25/2011 at 1:18 PM


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