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Microsoft Consumers are Happy Pappy

There's a zillion research reports out there -- and with so many, they are bound to contradict one another. I've seen Microsoft's reputation go up and down by companies that try to prove the success or colossal failure of Windows 7 -- everything you can study can be spun as good or bad by research houses. What are these guys...lawyers?

So it is with relative skepticism that I view a study by the ASCI organization that claims Microsoft software is rated relatively awesome by 78 percent of consumers. And this satisfaction has been on the rise for the last three years. I agree Redmond software has gotten better, but many users are still choking on the Ribbon and trying to uninstall Vista.

That's not the only source of misgivings. Verizon also got high marks as a wireless provider. Has ASCI watched how long it takes my Verizon phone to download a Web page, and how awful it looks once it shows up? Even worse, has it seen my bill? Eegads!

Posted by Doug Barney on 05/20/2011 at 1:18 PM


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