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Google Safer than Sony?

Google claims it ain't no Sony when it comes to cloud security. The company detailed its datacenter security using one center in particular as a model. The center keeps intruders from its physical location with iris scans, checkpoints and ID cards it claims are darn near impossible to forge.

Sometimes old gear is recycled, and hackers nab the drives and grab the data. Google crushes its drives then shreds the debris, avoiding that scenario.

But precious few hacks are due to physical break-ins or poorly disposed drives. Most hacks are purely electronic, and here is where Google is short on details. I guess I don't blame them. When you disclose your security measures, they cease to be secure.

Do you trust Google security? Why or why not both welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 04/27/2011 at 1:18 PM


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