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Office 365 Pricing Precisely Parsed

The cloud these days is hyped more than a Charlie Sheen binge. In these early days it was tough to tell whether the cloud would be a winner or loser. That's because the ultimate costs still have yet to be set.

Microsoft's next cloud move is Office 365, an upgrade to the rather poorly named BPOS. (I think B stands for big, but I'm not sure what POS represents.)

Office 365 is pretty much akin to Office itself -- but with more of a server apps feel. And it just happens to run on the Internet. So, of course, you all want to know how much this beast is going to cost.

Directions on Microsoft licensing guru Michael Horowitz recently walked through the basics, and with anything concerning Microsoft licensing, it was as confusing as an REM video.

The bottom line is Office 365 will cost you a certain amount of unknown bucks per month and will only be offered through a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. Lesser licenses just won't cut it.

Is Microsoft licensing way more complicated that need be, or am I just a dope? Both responses are equally welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/28/2011 at 1:18 PM


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