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Doug's Mailbag: A Phone Is Only as Good as Its Carrier

Here are your praise and horror stories for wireless carriers:

I've been with AT&T since it was Cingular and haven't had any real issues with service, call or customers. I've had an iPhone for about 8 months now and really enjoy it, although I probably only use a tenth of its potential. I constantly read about how bad AT&T's service is, but I very rarely have dropped calls and even have coverage when I go to my Mom's house in rural South Texas (although, to be fair, her small town does have I-35 running through it). So I can't tell you any horror stories about AT&T.

I never tried AT&T because everyone told me the Verizon network is better. Six years now and I am still happy!

I work for "a major Midwestern university" and all too often I see AT&T customers standing at windows and doorways looking for a signal -- while other people swear by AT&T.

I am a BlackBerry user who recently tried ActiveSync on my WiFi iPad. I will not be upgrading to the iPhone when my contract comes up this Summer. Bottom line? ActiveSync cannot hold a candle to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Further, the iPad e-mail client leaves a lot to be desired. For these reasons, RIM has nothing to fear from the road-warrior 'jumping ship.'

You use a BlackBerry? I thought you'd be more of a droid guy, with its native Exchange support.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 01/21/2011 at 1:18 PM


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