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Win Phone 7 Sales Sorta

Everyone is looking at Microsoft's role in the mobile space, and if they don't hit it out of the park, they are a bunch of losers.

Microsoft, while a patient company, is clearly feeling some pressure and last week released some early Win 7 numbers. Redmond claims to have sold a million and a half units in the first month and a half of availability. That sounds all well and good, but is similar to how Microsoft things like Windows Vista sales, where it counts licenses, not actual purchases or installations. In the case of Win 7, 1.5 million units went to carriers, not consumers.

If you watch any TV (and with 4 kids, I sure do), you know Microsoft is burning up the airwaves with ad after ad. And it seems that Windows 7 is a far cry better than earlier Windows phones.

Only time will tell, but I still am looking for any excuse to trade in my Blackberry. It's keyboard is too small, I don't find it intuitive at all and, as my last one showed, it doesn't stand up well to salt water!

So why is it that Microsoft has to dominate every market, otherwise they are toast? Do we judge IBM, Oracle, HP, Facebook or that way? Of course not. But Microsoft has to win everything or else they are dunces.

What's your take? Is Redmond held to a different standard? Opine away at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 12/22/2010 at 1:18 PM


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