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Is the Cloud Just Pie in the Sky?

I've been thinking about the cloud a lot lately, and, in fact, am getting set to launch a cloud newsletter and a couple of blogs.

Larger shops have at least some cloud initiatives and are eyeing more. Most have to -- their data centers are running out of room and juice.

Not all are so sold. As editor Keith Ward points out, nearly 60 percent of those surveyed by a company called Hubspan have a cloud commitment. But one in five have zero interest. Hubspan argues that the undecided and those dead set against the cloud see no benefit. And if you're systems are working well, affordable and not under strain, that is probably the right attitude.

Now it's up to the cloud vendors to prove, not just argue, that their tools are cheaper, more reliable, easier to manage and safe.

Posted by Doug Barney on 10/18/2010 at 1:18 PM


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