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Windows Mobile: Nothing To Brag About -- Yet

It's no surprise that Windows Mobile is getting its smartphone butt kicked by the Blackberry, Symbian, iPhone and Adroid (which just pulled ahead of the iPhone largely because multiple carriers carry it).

This past quarter, Windows Mobile lost further ground, claiming just a paltry five percent of the market, according to Gartner. Microsoft hopes to change all that with Windows Mobile 7. Redmond insiders are excited, but some early consultants I've talked to are less than impressed.

Although, one market watcher thinks Windows Mobile 7 has a real shot: Wilson Rothman thinks Windows Mobile 7 will succeed, in large part, because it integrates so well with Xbox Live. That means all those pimply-faced cheese-eating teenage geeks will be pressuring their rents for a Win 7 Phone. This could end up costing me a few bucks!

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/18/2010 at 1:18 PM


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