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IE 9: A Browser That Can't Really Browse

If you are a pre-alpha junkie, you may want to download the second preview of Internet Explorer 9. However, if you want a browser that actually does something, you should probably wait for a later version.

IE 9 is truly in its early stages, and as such, the browser is in a test form that has no real controls. The main goal of the test release is for developers to understand its performance, and see how the browser adopts newly evolving standards such as HTML 5. The idea is that if developers write Web-based applications against the standards, those apps should work on IE 9 and other like-minded browsers. Microsoft has generated a number of HTML 5 tests, with some showing different interpretations of standards by browser makers.

For those interested, Microsoft has an amazingly in-depth blog on IE 9.

Posted by Doug Barney on 05/10/2010 at 1:17 PM


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