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Windows 7 Up, IE Down

In news less shocking than a Lindsay Lohan relapse, a research report finds that Windows 7 is taking off while IE is steadily losing market share.

The gloom-and-doomers love to criticize IE, calling it bloated and insecure and predicting its demise. But despite the retreat, IE still has 64.8 percent share, according to Janco Associates. In presidential politics, that's a landslide!

IE 8 is my default browser so it opens from e-mail links and so forth. Firefox is my day-to-day browser. I really see almost no difference, and have had no security problems with IE.

I kinda like the browser market fragmenting. Databases, mobile phones and game consoles all have loads of competition and the pace of innovation is intense.

I also use Windows 7, which makes me part of 12 percent of the population. That's pretty good share for being on the market for only about a half-a-year.

Posted by Doug Barney on 02/24/2010 at 1:17 PM


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