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Microsoft Spits on Cloud Doc

The Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum released a white paper asking that all cloud apps, services and offerings be based on open standards. The paper, with either apologies or kudos to Karl Marx, is named the "Open Cloud Manifesto."

Microsoft shot back, apparently even before the document was released. Microsoft argues that the document is far from egalitarian and is in fact one-sided, allowing a small cadre of vendors to control the means of cloud production and therefore acquire all the das kapital thus created.

So what is the Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum? While it has several sponsors such as IBM, Sun and Cisco, from what I can tell it's largely the work of one man from one vendor. Not sure if it's worth Redmond getting spitting mad over.

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/30/2009 at 1:16 PM


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