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Lame News Story of the Day

I defend the press often. When readers complain of spelling errors, I point out just how many words the average editor processes per day. When they complain of liberal bias, I point 'em to Lou Dobbs or Fox News. When they complain about right-wing talk pundits, I mention Keith Olbermann.  

But I can't defend journalists who waste words when there's simply no story. Here's what has me on this tirade: Steve Ballmer recently spoke at a BusinessWeek media event. Somehow, this was construed as the first step in Microsoft buying The New York Times. To some reporters, that little bit of nothing was a big story. Even bigger? Ballmer's adamant denial when surrounded by paparazzi-style journalists after the event.

The new journalist motto should be: "Writing all the news that's not fit to print." Are you a mindless media basher, an unabashed fourth-estate apologist or somewhere in between? Send your thoughts (they don't need to be copy edited) to [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/20/2009 at 1:16 PM


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