SharePoint Server

Office Developer Conference Cancelled

Microsoft cancelled its standalone Office Developer Conference for this year and instead will fold the content into its SharePoint Conference 2009 event, which is scheduled for the fall.

Microsoft Forms Social Networking Partner Alliance

Microsoft on Wednesday announced the creation of the "Social Enterprise Alliance," a partnership centered on the customization and integration of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007.

Microsoft Alert: Big Problem With SharePoint Service Pack 2

Microsoft on Friday announced that there's a problem for those who applied Service Pack 2 (SP2) to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) -- namely, it's timed to expire in 180 days.

Groove To Get a Name Change

Microsoft Office Groove 2007 will get a name change next year that's more in tune with the SharePoint side of things.

Groove To Get a Name Change

Microsoft Office Groove 2007 will get a name change next year that's more in tune with the SharePoint side of things.

Middleware Market Hits the Brakes in 2009

The middleware software market has entered the slow lane in 2009, according to a Gartner report announced on Wednesday.

Tech-Ed: Let's (Third) Party!

Independent software vendors have long been the life of Microsoft's party by producing products that fill in the gaps Redmond leaves open. For Tech•Ed North America 2009, we celebrate third-party vendors and preview what they'll be announcing and demonstrating at the show.

SharePoint Bonanza: SP2 and Dev Kits Released

Microsoft announced some SharePoint product updates that may have gotten trampled under a stampede of information flowing out of Redmond this week.

Microsoft Expands Cloud Services Partner Network

Microsoft on Monday stepped up its services push by announcing a partner-driven effort to deliver hosted Microsoft applications in 19 countries.

Reporter's Notebook: Cloud Security a Key Focus at RSA

Concerns about the security implications of evolving cloud computing technologies dominated last week's annual RSA Conference.

SP2 for Office 2007 and MOSS Arriving April 28

On April 28, Microsoft plans to release SP2 for Microsoft Office 2007, along with SP2 releases for some of its server products.

Microsoft's 2010 Brand: Details on Office, SharePoint

Microsoft branded some of its best-selling products to come with the "2010" stamp, beginning with the debut of Exchange Server 2010 beta.

Microsoft Partner Phase 2 Adds IBM's Hosted Apps

Phase 2 International now offers online IBM Lotus applications to SMBs, adding to its various hosted service offerings which already include a Microsoft solution stack.

A SharePoint Workflow Primer

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server is one of the hottest products in Redmond's arsenal and can provide a major productivity boost for companies. In this four-part guide, we detail how IT administrators can get the most out of SharePoint by effectively using workflows.

Microsoft: The Strength to Endure

Microsoft has the stuff to come out of this recession on top.

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