Network Management

Planetary Domain

This manufacturing company is seeing its operations spread out around the planet and using Windows 2000 to tie it all together.

Managing Active Directory Objects

Do you know what's changed in your Active Directory?

Active Directory Object Permissions 101

Understanding the ins and outs of AD and object permissions is no simple task, but your efforts can help avoid catastrophe.

Handy Exchange Guide

If you don't already have this book, what are you waiting for?

Charting a New Course

Converting this college campus to a Windows 2000 network has definitely been a learning experience.

Rollouts, Explained

Become your company's Win2K installation expert.

Amazing Stories

If your company's considering a migration or upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 to 2000, these true tales of woe and triumph will help you make the journey fearlessly.

Duel to the Death

This health system's organization had its migration strategy all mapped out. But then reality intervened, causing a major course-change.

A Little Q&A

Exam 70-217 requires solid knowledge of Active Directory. Analyzing questions as well as answers (both right and wrong) can help prepare you for the task ahead.

Troubleshoot Group Policy

These tricks and tools will help you seek out and destroy problem policies.

Exam Updates

More than a year after Microsoft began releasing its first batch of Windows 2000 exams, the company has begun sharing details about the number of Win2K exams it has issued.

MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 4 and 5 Roundup

Security, Exchange, security and Windows 2000 migration fill the last two days of the conference schedule for reader Rick Johnson.

MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 3: Active Directory Drain Brain reader Rick Johnson gets a good dose of Active Directory technical and certification info during the Thursday sessions.

MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 2: The Humorous World of IT?

Our intrepid conference attendee/reporter finds a product amid the marketing hype and gets up to speed on IP and Group Policies at the first official conference day.

MCP TechMentor Diary, Day 1: Pre-Conference Workshops invited a reader to attend the MCP TechMentor Conference in San Francisco. We offered him free attendance in exchange for a daily report on his conference experiences.

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