Network Management

Researchers: ‘Systemic' Wireless Vulnerability Affects Macs, PCs

Some computers with wireless Internet capabilities are vulnerable to attacks that could expose passwords, bank account details and other sensitive information even if the machines aren't actually online, researchers said in Las Vegas Wednesday.

Put Your Tasks on Automatic

Automate your task management without learning a new language.

Flaws in McAfee Security Programs May Expose Data, Researchers Say

Consumer versions of McAfee Inc.'s leading software for securing PCs is susceptible to a flaw that can expose passwords and other sensitive information stored on personal computers, researchers said Monday.

To Serve and to Virtualize

Virtualization on the server side can add up to big savings in hardware costs.

Back to Basics Quiz

Are you the master of your Windows domain?

Let's Get Small

Upcoming Microsoft products will be more powerful and larger than their predecessors -- but with such great size comes great responsibilities.

Get Your Shell On

Automate admin tasks easier with the new Windows PowerShell.

Get a Grip on Those Gripes

From software packaging to lying users, the world can be an annoying place for IT admins.

Second Time Around

Windows Server 2003 R2 and the new DFS.

Virtual Panic

On one sunny summer day, this IT manager's network turned slow and lazy -- to his consternation.

Microsoft: IE7 To Be High Priority Automatic Update

Microsoft quietly announced this week that it will distribute Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP as a high priority update via Automatic Updates when the new browser version is complete.

New-Generation BizTalk Exam Now Live

Microsoft releases exam for business process management experts after a successful beta test last month.

Microsoft Acquires Winternals, Sysinternals

Microsoft announced this week it has acquired Winternals Software LP, a well-known vendor of enterprise systems recovery and data protection solutions for Windows, along with the company's associated freeware site Sysinternals.

High Anxiety: Microsoft Tech Support Survey

How does the world's No. 1 software company deal with you when something goes wrong? Our readers speak out.

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