
The White Elephant in the Room?

Puzzling over Silverlight? You're not alone.

A NAP Is Good for Your Health

Windows Server 2008's built-in Network Access Protection makes sure only healthy computers get into your network.

Obtaining User Buy-In Before a Change

Considering a migration? You'll need to woo your users first. Emmett shares a few tips on conducting an effective feasibility study.

Defect Prevention

Use Automated Defect Prevention (ADP) as a software management strategy that increases application quality through process improvement.

The Weakest Link: Part II

Keeping your users informed and involved can save your network.

2007: All About Windows Vista

Vista's debut year had mixed results.

Membership Has Its Privileges

It's getting harder and harder to track who belongs to what group. Mr. Roboto's Group Auditor can help make membership management easier.

Barney's Lists

From the coolest recent invention to the biggest unsolved problem, here are Doug's picks.

The Password Drama Continues

Setting password policies is tricky enough. Now, throw Windows Server 2008 into the mix.

SQL Server 2008: Administration Simplified

Policy-based management improves database performance.

Playing Catch-Up

One reader thinks it's worth it to give Vista a little more time. Plus, readers tell us about their technology pet peeves.

Web Parts and Portals

Jump-start your Web projects with MOSS 2007.

Users: The Weakest Link

Bad things can happen when administrators don't put their users first.

Power Up Your GPO Management

With the release of PowerShell, you now have a few more options when it comes to Group Policy. Here are two of them.

Microsoft Spreading Itself Too Thin?

In its quest to be "hip" and "cutting edge," Redmond may be forgetting the essentials.

SQL Server 2008: 'Katmai'

Another step on the road to integrated data and applications.

Not at Home with Windows Home Server

Plus, readers weigh in on our list of 2008's hottest certifications.

VM Within a VM

Yes, it's possible. Greg shows you how.

Finding Top Talent

Strategies for recruiting good programmers.

Super PCs Deserve a Super OS

Software still has a ways to go before it can do justice to today's supercomputers.

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