
Lessons in Logic (IGNORE THIS)

How to use an IF construct in a PowerShell script.

Prof. Powershell: Get Smart and Get -Out

PowerShell cmdlets come well-stocked with common parameters. Let's look at what you can get out of the -OutVariable parameter.

IE8: Microsoft Thinks Different

From standards-compliance to testing, Microsoft is rethinking its strategy for the upcoming browser.

VMware Wants It All

A completely revamped data center, virtualized servers and's all part of the VDC-OS plan.

Emmett's Integration Security Quiz o' Doom

Security and integration are far from mutually exculsive. Which is why it might help to know a little something about password authentication, asymmetric cryptography, server security, IPsec...

Small Business Server 2008: SysAdmin in a Box

This Microsoft bundle can actually help small businesses forego a systems administrator.

Microsoft Leaks Like a Sieve

The company tries to plug the information drain after Gates' departure.

Virtual Security

Virtualization heralds a brave new world of security. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to securing a virtual infrastructure.

Memories of Bill

Doug shares some memorable face-offs with Microsoft's erstwhile chairman.


Here are a few common-sense tips for making life behind the IT desk a little better.

The World's Best Configuration Manager Queries: Part II

Readers submit more of their prized queries for everything from checking maintenance windows to deploying software.

Listen to the People You Hire

Communication problems with upper management set one company back a couple grand.

SlickEdit: An Integrated Developer's Dream

What makes this code editor the complete package? The multi-platform, multi-language support, for starters. Emmett delves into the new features of an integration standby.

Which One Is for Production?

Better make sure...especially when you're working with credit card information.

Best Configuration Manager Queries

Readers share their tried-and-true SCCM queries.

At Your Self-Service

Directory Update puts users in charge of their own Active Directory administration.

Cloudy Cloud Costs

Hang on to your wallets -- Microsoft's lineup of online services probably won't come free.

Forget Your Passwords

There are plenty of easier and more secure ways to authenticate users.

Please Tell Me That Was a DDS-2 Tape

Of all the times to have a backup crisis, it had to be the eve of Y2K.

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