
PowerShell Pro Forma

Microsoft doesn't offer any sort of PowerShell forms editor -- but Sapien Technologies does.

Copy Protection: Aaarrrrrgh

When it comes to licensing, some companies might make it seem like everyone's a pirate -- including you.

5 Ways Redmond Can Fix Its Mobile Mess

Microsoft should learn a couple of things from its Vista missteps.

Microsoft Ends 08 with Two Security Battles

Plus: Should security experts follow open source's open development model? And the damage that can happen in 4.5 seconds.

Security Comes in Patches

IT pros have some complex reasons for rolling out patches, but one thing is for sure: Threats always loom, so do it sooner rather than later.

A Tasty Dish of Worms and Spam

The security space saw lots of activity in November that may have lasting effects on the way IT pros protect, deploy and maintain environments going forward.

The Great Recession?

Inaction is no way to make it through an economic downturn. Here are some tips to stay afloat.

Internet Impeded by ISA Server Firewall

A reader wants to speed up Internet behind and in front of the firewall.

A Fix for Database Orphans

A common problem when restoring databases is making orphans of users. Here's a quick solution.

Backup (Almost) Made Easy

Coming up with a good data recovery plan is no easy feat. That's where Microsoft's System Center Data Protection Manager comes in.

Bionic Scheduled Task Reporting

Mr. Roboto revamps a previous script to help a user retrieve and save scheduled task information from multiple computers -- all using PowerShell.

2009: The Year of Windows 7?

Consumers have good reason to be excited about the next OS -- and Microsoft has good reason to ship it sooner rather than later.

Lessons in Logic

How to use an IF construct in a PowerShell script.

SMB Fix Is In the Flaw

Plus: Users seeks transparency with SharePoint; Symantec chief retiring; a fool and his job are soon parted.

coming soon

coming soon

A Better Internet Explorer

IE8 won't break new ground, but it will feature some notable security improvements.

Beware of the Company You Keep

When it comes to questionable business practices, sometimes the free toys just aren't worth it.

QuickTip: Next, Next, Repeat

Software installation might sound like instructions on the back of the shampoo bottle. But it doesn't have to be that way.

In the Mail

Want to send an e-mail from the command line? Give Blat a try.

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