
Ten Years with Microsoft 365, Part 1: Making the Switch

Was giving up the control of my self-hosted email worth it to hand Microsoft over the keys completely?


Is IT Automation Unethical?

Here's an interesting thought experiment in an age of automation and remote work.

Settling a Stupid Bet: Can a Hyper-V VM Read a Floppy Disk?

While there's no real reason why you would need to read a floppy disk, that shouldn't stop us from seeing if we can do it!

Making Managed Instance Better with NoRecovery

Here's how Microsoft can make data migration easier on us.

Getting Rid of Windows 11 Notifications, Tips and Suggestions

Sick of getting bugged every few minutes? make it stop. For good.

What Next-Generation VR Headsets Need Now

Upping the resolution is only one step in making VR headsets feel more natural to use.

Backing Up a Windows 11 PC

While third-party tools are usually the way to go, let's take a look how to back up your Windows system using the baked in resources.

Is VR Addiction a Thing?

It might not be a virtual reality problem, but an unhealthy relationship with specific apps.

Tracking Performance Impacts of SQL Server Changes

Getting a bird's eye view can help to quickly spot trouble areas.

Recovering Data When No Backups Exist

While it may seem like your data is gone for good, not all hope is lost.

Colorful Night IMage

Why Teams Connect Changes Everything

Collaborating with others outside your organization will be less burdensome and more secure.

Microsoft Teams' Upcoming Lockbox Feature Is Big News

The new security benefits will be much appreciated for us who live in Microsoft's communication platform more and more these days.

Will the Metaverse Be Successful?

That answer might lie in examining a tech fad that has come and gone: 3D TVs.

A Future Shopping Trip in the Metaverse

While there are many convenience propositions that may come with VR-based shopping, it also comes with its share of pitfalls.

Understanding Dirty Reads: What NOLOCK Does to Your Queries

Let's break down when it's ideal to use the NOLOCK hint and when you should never use it.

Office Icons

Why Are the Office Web Apps Free?

To try to peel back this mystery, taking a look at the history of Microsoft's free online Web apps can help provide insight.


How To Improve Windows 11 Performance

Even with a brand-new OS, some tweaking may be needed to get it running how you want. Here's how.

Virtual Reality Gets Standardized and Teams Continues to Grow: Tech Predictions for 2022

It's that time of year again to make some bold proclamations on what our tech future has in store for us.

Revisiting My 2021 Tech Predictions

Let's take a look back and see how I did with my tech predictions made 12 months ago.

A First Look at Microsoft Loop

Brien breaks down his initial thoughts and ideas on how Microsoft Loop can be used in productivity.

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