
New Critical IE Zero-Day Flaw Found

The latest flaw to strike every version of Microsoft's Web browser has been seen to be in active use by attackers.

Security Essentials Scores Low in Windows Protection Test

Microsoft's free antivirus offering showed to be lacking when stacked up against its competitors.

How To Fix Domain Trust Issues in Active Directory

Here's how to resolve a "password mismatch" error.

Attackers Could Use Heartbleed Chaos To Steal Enterprise Data

Plus: OpenVPN keys are also at risk of theft due to bug; first Heartbleed-connected arrest made.

Windows Phones Are Everywhere!

Here's a look at some of the extreme environments that Microsoft's mobile devices are being put to the test.

XP Support Death: One Week Later

So far, it's been quiet out there. But don't take the lack of news as an indication that the attackers have moved on.

When Should You Create New SQL Server Indexes?

Here's how to spot when new indexes are needed to improve performance.

How To Upgrade Hyper-V to Windows Server 2012 R2

This three-step process will get your virtual machines running on Microsoft's latest Windows Server version.

What To Do in the Wake of the Heartbleed Bug

While Web sites scramble to patch the vulnerability, it's time to change your online passwords.

The Cloud's Role in Enterprise Data Storage Architecture

Here's some of the options IT has in tying their on-premise data storage with the cloud.

Microsoft Issues Last XP Security Fixes in Small April Patch

Microsoft's April Security Update features only two "critical" bulletins.

What To Expect from TechEd 2014

While Microsoft has had a very strong cloud focus in the past few years, look for a deeper on-premise enterprise theme at this year's event.

Citrix Products Evolve, but Name Changes Obscure Unification

It's done it again. Citrix Systems, the company of two dozen products and 200 names, has announced yet another honorific for its flagship solution, Citrix XenApp 7.5.

Bing Seeps Deeper into the Microsoft Core

As Microsoft continues to find more places where it can integrate Bing , it's becoming less and less likely the company can -- or will -- sell off Bing.

How IT Can Operate as Outsourcing Providers

Microsoft is increasingly assuming that IT departments everywhere will move to a services provider model, which essentially means you'll be outsourcing your infrastructures.

Leaked Documents Allege NSA Is Targeting Foreign System Admins

A series of internal message board posts detail how system admis are being targeted to gain access to the networks they control.

Microsoft Warns of Office RTF 0-Day Attacks

It's recommended that IT disable Rich Text Files from being opened through Microsoft Office.

Antivirus Maker Blasts Microsoft for Ending Windows XP Support

Avast said that once April 8 rolls around, a quarter of its users will be left vulnerable to higher risk of attack.

What's Next for Windows?

It's no secret Microsoft Windows 8.x hasn't lit the world on fire at a time when Redmond's needed a big hit.

Scaling Up vs. Scaling Out: What's the Right Storage Decision?

Choosing what's right for your company comes down to scaling and workload needs.

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