
Microsoft a Contender In The New IT Order

Once the frontrunner and the IT trendsetter, Microsoft must now compete in a market that's future is not solely dictated by the one company.

My Predictions for 2014: Apple's Popularity Drops, Microsoft Continues Transformation

Also watch for network virtualization to continue to grow and Office 365 to undergo a makeover in the coming year.

2014 Predictions: 5 Products Microsoft Will Deliver

Microsoft has officially shared next to nothing about its product roadmaps, beyond some fairly sweeping statements it has made about aligning around the "One Microsoft" mission.

A Look Back at My 2013 Predictions

Which trends did Brien successfully predict and which ones was he off the mark on?

Target Breach Exposes Data of 40 Million Customers

Plus: Attackers setting sights on the newly released Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

10 Biggest Microsoft Surprises of 2013

If you're a Microsoft watcher -- or even just playing one on the Interweb -- I bet you'd agree 2013 was an above-average year for surprises coming out of Redmond.

Federal Judge Rules Against NSA Phone Data Mining

Today's ruling may lead to the U.S. Supreme Court eventually taking up the case.

The Real Consumerization of IT, Part 2

Now that we've defined how the industry is changing, how does IT adapt?

2014 IT Security Predictions: Cloud Privacy and New Malware Targets To Dominate the Year

Cloud providers will look to answer for data privacy issues while attackers focus on Windows XP and non-traditional connected devices.

The Real Consumerization of IT, Part 1

Rising user tech IQ, easier-to-use gadgets and the transformation of users into consumers is changing the landscape of IT.

Troubleshoot Slow-Running Queries In SQL Server

Denny breaks down how to identify and fix speed issues in multiple versions of SQL Server.

Microsoft Targets 4 Zero-Day Flaws in December Patch

The company finishes 2013 with a total of 106 security bulletins.

Microsoft Joins Other Tech Firms in Public Snooping Denouncement

While the message sent by a coalition of online companies outlines changes needed to be made by the government, does it go far enough to address the issue?

Microsoft To Add Data Encryption in Response to Gov. Snooping

It will also make code more transparent in hopes to ease customers of fears of hidden backdoors.

Microsoft Will Finish 2013 with 5 'Critical' Fixes

Microsoft's December patch will also arrive with 6 "important" bulletin items.

China to Microsoft: Continue XP Support or See a Rise in Pirated Windows 8

Plus: Microsoft takes steps to stop government censorship of Skype calls in China.

Microsoft Meant Business With Azure in 2013

Nearly four years after launching Windows Azure, Microsoft's cloud service remains stuck in the shadows of Amazon Web Services.

Dealing with Negative Session ID Denials in SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server MVP Denny Cherry breaks down multiple ways on how to troubleshoot a type -2 blocking session ID error.

Windows 8.1 Users: Beware of SkyDrive's Auto Sync

Microsoft's decision to have SkyDrive's auto sync functions enabled as default and the lack of sync customization could lead to major headaches for IT.

Don't Buy Your Software, Rent It!

Not knowing how many licenses for a particular product you would need in the future is just one of the many reasons why you should go the lease route.

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