
Critical Active Directory Design Flaw Could Compromise User Passwords

Microsoft is downplaying the disclosure and has offered multiple ways IT can avoid attack.

Are Too Many SQL Server Indexes Hurting Your Performance?

The question leads to an even more important question: do your users care?

InstallShield and Dell Encryption Crashes Connected to July Security Patch

While the InstallShield flaw currently has a limited workaround, there's no word on whether the Dell problem is further being investigated by Microsoft.

How To Create a Windows Server Failover Cluster Without Shared Storage

Follow these step-by-step instructions and you will be up and running in about 15 minutes.

Microsoft Issues Advisory To Block Spoofed Google and Yahoo SSL Certs

The update will prevent the spoofed certificates from being used in man-in-the-middle attacks.

Glenn Greenwald: 'Significant' Government Surveillance Change Coming

The lawyer and journalist responsible for providing many of the details on government surveillance from Edward Snowden conducted an online Q&A on Wednesday.

DSC and PowerShell's OneGet: The Future of Configuration Manager?

This combination may end up being the command-line replacement for System Center Configuration Manager.

Microsoft's July Patch Includes IE, Windows Journal Fixes

Microsoft's monthly security update comes with fixes for 29 flaws and includes three updated security advisories.

Microsoft Is No Longer Windows First

Redmond is now strongly focused on making sure all your devices play nicely with one another, no matter where you are or what OS you're running.

The Quest for a Culture of Security

Target. Equifax. Michaels. Heartbleed. IT security breaches and exploits just keep rolling in and for most companies, it hasn't made a bit of difference.

3 Reasons Why Microsoft's Cortana Matters

Microsoft's "personal assistant" feature may drastically change the way we interact with both Windows OS and Windows Server in the future. Here's why.

Relational Database Engine: Doomed in a NoSQL World?

While NoSQL has taken over many of the duties that the relational database engine used to do, relying only on NoSQL could lead to some issues.

Microsoft Previews Security Threat Info Cloud Exchange Platform

The new cloud-based platform looks to streamline threat information to make it easier for users and machines to access and read.

Migration Headache: Windows 7 or Windows 8?

The right answer may not be right for every enterprise.

How To Create SharePoint 2013 Content Databases and Site Collections

Here's a step-by-step instruction on how to create a number of site collections, content databases and how to combine them.

Cloud Providers, Vendors Stepping Up Encryption

The most recent high-profile offering comes from HP with its split-key cloud security suite.

First Impressions of Windows Phone 8.1

While there are some obvious bugs with the preview release, the Cortana voice assistant looks to be a game changer for the platform.

How To Troubleshoot System Services

You know something is wrong, but that's all you know. Here's how to pinpoint the issue.

59 IE Flaw Fixes Included in Microsoft's June Security Update

Plus: Microsoft warns of the importance of keeping Java patched.

Microsoft Builds on Mobile-First, Cloud-First

Microsoft's is looking to spark renewed enterprise focus for the company with Azure and increasing BYOD options.

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