
How To Use the File Server Resource Manager in Windows Server 2012

This Windows Server 2012 feature makes it easy to set storage quotas and manage file types.

Why Windows Phone Isn't More Popular in the U.S.

It's hard to sell units when customers can't find them in stores.

Create a File Share as a Search Content Source in SharePoint 2013

This step-by-step visual guide will get you up and running in no time.

6 Key New Microsoft Cloud Services

IT should keep an eye on some of Microsoft's upcoming cloud-based services, including Power BI and Enterprise Mobility Suite.

Yahoo Servers Reportedly Hacked Using 'Shellshock' Hole

Romanian hackers are targeting the Yahoo Games servers.

Should You Deploy Hyper-V Generation 2 VMs?

While the new features may be tempting, the new Hyper-V VMs' incompatibilities should stop you from jumping on board.

Study: Security Incident Rates Increase as Security Budgets Drop

IT's security spending is not keeping up with the reported 42.8 million security incidents in PwC's enterprise survey.

Test Your Team's IT Competency

Does your IT team have the competencies it'll need to survive the remainder of this decade?

How To Use the File Server Resource Manager in Windows Server

The longer you use the Windows Server tool, the more uses you'll find for it.

Millions of Systems and Devices Vulnerable to Bash 'ShellShock' Flaw

The 25-year-old flaw, which was just discovered on Wednesday, leaves systems running Linux and Mac OS X open to remote code execution attacks.

Windows 9 Rumor Round Up

From Cortana integration to the return of the Start Menu, here are some of the rumors circulating online about Microsoft's next OS.

Microsoft Pulls Plug on Trustworthy Computing Group

The remaining members will be absorbed into Cloud & Enterprise and Legal and Corporate Affairs groups.

Microsoft Patch Woes Continue: Lync Security Update Pulled

The pulled item marks the third month in a row in which Microsoft has had to address issues with its monthly security update.

Yahoo Threatened with Daily Fines after Challenging Surveillance Requests

The tech company said it was fined $250,000 per day for not handing over requested user data.

Using PowerShell To Evaluate Storage Health

Here's how to access the information you need when analyzing storage status.

Small September Patch Tuesday Release Fixes Huge IE Zero-Day Hole

This month's offering includes one "critical" and three "important" bulletins that look to fix 42 different flaws.

Finding Storage Performance Problems in SQL Server

The first step is to understand the nature of performance monitoring software.

5 System Center IT Integration Case Studies

Here's some examples of how to get the most out of System Center in your environment.

My Wish List for the Next Version of Hyper-V

Native third-party support tops the list.

Can Windows Phone Defy Odds and Gain Share?

The mobile platform's fate lies with increased OEM and carrier support.

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