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Windows 8's Done, Time To Worry

Windows 8 has now been released to TechNet and MSDN subscribers, which means the code is essentially done. I am getting very very nervous. Before Vista came out, things looked pretty good. It was really just a modest upgrade to XP. The slick, new addition was the optional Aero interface (and you didn't have to use that). The real problems started after Vista shipped, and the little gotchas all added to big problems. This app didn't work. And worst of all, many hardware devices became obsolete overnight.

Win 8's problems are showing up before ship time and they are fundamental. It is not a happy camper on existing desktop and laptops, but yearns for touch tablets. It has two entirely different interfaces that you must use. Metro (or what Microsoft decides to call the interface) can't do it all. An I thought The Cable Guy had a split personality.

So now it's time to see what this thing's really got.  Will Win 8 succeed or fail? You tell me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/17/2012


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