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Microsoft: Software Isn't the Problem… We are

I know it sounds crazy, but a software company claims most computer problems are not really the fault of computers, and especially the software that drives them. Instead, people and the processes we use are to blame.

And it is not just Microsoft execs saying this -- the company has research on its side in the form of a poll of Redmond customers.

Some 80 percent of problems that make computers go down are our, I mean yours, I mean human's fault -- which means if we were smarter these things would never happen in the first place.

I've done plenty of dumb things with computers, but looking back, the software always allowed me to carry out the action -- and often poor design led me to my mistakes.

Is this research self-serving or are computers smart and people dumb? You tell me at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/22/2011 at 1:18 PM


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