Worming Our Way Into Apple
So Fortune magazine, which I used to work for, suddenly discovered that Steve Jobs is a bit of a tyrant. That revelation is no surprise, but the publication's details create a pretty compelling profile to read.
I'd hate to work for Mr. Jobs. My intellect couldn't withstand his assaults, and my years of playing hockey would have me giving him a choice elbows on my way to HR to get my severance.
But this unbelievable passion and control makes Jobs products great. And great Apple products raise the bar for Microsoft, which is why the Zune was pretty good and Windows Phone 7, despite lackluster sales, is even better.
I like the fact that Jobs acts as a dictator. His passion transfers to his customers. I'm just glad I don't work there!
What are your Apple thoughts? Fire up your Mac or PC and shoot me a message at [email protected].
Posted by Doug Barney on 05/13/2011