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Dell: Windows 7 a Winner

Dell is not exactly known as a research company, but with its reach into IT shops around the world, one could argue the hardware maker could out research Gartner or IDC. So I am presuming the company's findings that 87 percent of IT folks will adopt Win 7 are credible.

One reason the percentage is so high, Dell said, is because Win 7 has been proven fast and reliable.

I've been hearing from a lot of you about your trials dealing with budget cuts and layoffs. One thing cuts have hurt is upgrade plans. One reader's shop is still on Windows 2000 and has no plans to move. If it were a better economy, I'd bet the planned adoption number would be well above 90 percent.

What are your upgrade plans for Windows clients or servers? Tell us all by writing [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/26/2010 at 1:17 PM


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